Yu Yang's Blog

Paper Reading -- A Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension by Zeng et al. 2020

A Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension: Tasks, Evaluation Metrics, and Benchmark Datasets This paper provides a comprehensive survey on MRC tasks, evaluation metrics, and existing benchmark dat...

Reading Notes for Atomic Habits

The Fundamentals: Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference 1. The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits That said, it doesn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful you are right now. What matters ...


阅读完了周桦的《褚时健传》,很受鼓舞。作者没有大肆渲染褚老的经历之波折,而是将他对人对事的认真态度以及做企业的经历娓娓道来。我从中学到不少,将一些颇有感触的地方记录下来。 我从小就知道自己做事总比别人要做得好,因为我认真,负责任,心里有谱气。同样是烤酒,我一般两斤半苞谷就能出一斤酒。 “心里有谱气”是褚老常说的话。他烤酒就把发酵的温度反复琢磨,经营糖厂就把榨糖的大概都搞了个明白,...

2020 小结

在这个2020的尾巴,我为过去的一年写下这篇郑重的告别。 2020,新冠疫情,线上上课,居家办公,明州骚乱,国内的父母朋友日日挂念,自己也认真防护,不敢掉以轻心。新冠病毒的出现给世界带了新的挑战,与此而来的,也有新的机遇。 过去的一年,有遗憾,更多的,是收获,是新的认识,对自己的认知,对人与人关系的认知,对世界的认知。认真回顾一下,发现自己还完成了不少事情,很不错! 在书籍阅读方面,我...

Configure MacBook

Softwares VSCode It is a good habit to use workspaces for a project. Settting disable minimap(code preview): "editor.minimap.enabled": false. hide workbench activity bar: "workbench.activit...

Machine Learning Modeling Framework

Compare multiple machine learning models. References: How To Compare Machine Learning Algorithms in Python with scikit-learn

Python Tricks

This is my note for the book Python Tricks: The Book A Buffet of Awesome Python Features written by Dan Bader from RealPython. Personally, I like RealPython very much. The tutorials on this website...

Regular Expression

For data science practitioners, when dealing with strings in dataframes, it would extremely helpful if we master regular expressions well. And for NLP practitioners, it then becomes more evident th...

Software Configurations

TexStudio Set dark theme for TexStudio Search for .txsprofile files to find the settings that you like. I personally like zenburn very much and I found a very helpful link. Find out the where...

Terminal Configurations

iTerm2 zsh After seeing several posts talking about the benefits of zsh over bash, I finally decided to switch from bash to zsh. In order to not lose key feature before, I did the following config...