Yu Yang's Blog

Kaggle Competition--Travelers Fraud Detection

This blog is about what our group has done in the Kaggle competition for Travelers Fraud Detection and what I have learnt through this experience. Hope this would help you get some ideas when doing...

Python Data Analysis Notes

Notes in STAT 8051 project Dataset description train_data.describe(include=["object", "category"]) Check the number of NA val...

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

This blog is the notes for the book: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt. Tips Always consider the context. Rules for novices, intuition for experts. ...

R Server installation

Installing the R Server is motivated by a wechat article 搭建你的免费R云端服务器. It uses the Machine Learning Server which recently becomes free to the public by Microsoft. The installation of Machine Learni...

Learning How to Learn

This Blog is a note for the course on Coursera – Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects. The transcript file is also helpful. Week 1 There are two different...

Organize my Day for Maximum Productivity

This blog contains several tips to help organize my day. See references below. 5 Tips to Organize Your Day for Maximum Productivity 6 Shocking Benefits of Waking Up at 5:30 AM 12 Shocking Habits...

LaTeX Notes

Learning Notes Most of the latex notes are referenced in the book LATEX Tutorials: A PRIMER Error Log Use \\ in a seperate line, and error appears. Do not use two backslashes in one single line...

Rmarkdown Notes

The following notes are referenced from the R Documentation To run an rmarkdown file, you can either use library(rmarkdown) render("rmarkdown-notes.rmd") # this should be path of the rmd f...

UMN Life Begins

The first day in UMN (August 21) Tired but excited, I arrived at the MSP in the morning with friends. It was fortunate for us to have a senior delivering us to the apartment. The first dish in Min...

How to Live as a PhD

Some interesting articles worth reading: - Stress in Research - The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. - Advice Collection by Tao Xie - Advice sources: Important skills for PhD students...